Class SeamHttpAcsCredentials



client: AxiosInstance
defaults: Required<SeamHttpRequestOptions>



  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the desired credential.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
          acs_user_id: string;
          allowed_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
          assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
              join_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean;
              override_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean;
              override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
          code?: string;
          credential_manager_acs_system_id?: string;
          ends_at?: string;
          is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
          starts_at?: string;
          visionline_metadata?: {
              assa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id?: string;
              auto_join?: boolean;
              card_format?: "TLCode" | "rfid48";
              card_function_type?: "guest" | "staff";
              is_override_key?: boolean;
              joiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[];
              override?: boolean;
      • access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key"

        Access method for the new credential. Supported values: code, card, mobile_key.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the ACS user to whom the new credential belongs.

      • Optionalallowed_acs_entrance_ids?: string[]

        Set of IDs of the entrances for which the new credential grants access.

      • Optionalassa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
            join_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean;
            override_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean;
            override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];

        Vostio-specific metadata for the new credential.

        • Optionaljoin_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean
        • Optionaloverride_all_guest_acs_entrances?: boolean
        • Optionaloverride_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[]
      • Optionalcode?: string

        Access (PIN) code for the new credential. There may be manufacturer-specific code restrictions. For details, see the applicable device or system integration guide.

      • Optionalcredential_manager_acs_system_id?: string

        ACS system ID of the credential manager for the new credential.

      • Optionalends_at?: string

        Date and time at which the validity of the new credential ends, in ISO 8601 format. Must be a time in the future and after starts_at.

      • Optionalis_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean

        Indicates whether the new credential is a multi-phone sync credential.

      • Optionalstarts_at?: string

        Date and time at which the validity of the new credential starts, in ISO 8601 format.

      • Optionalvisionline_metadata?: {
            assa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id?: string;
            auto_join?: boolean;
            card_format?: "TLCode" | "rfid48";
            card_function_type?: "guest" | "staff";
            is_override_key?: boolean;
            joiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[];
            override?: boolean;

        Visionline-specific metadata for the new credential.

        • Optionalassa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id?: string


        • Optionalauto_join?: boolean
        • Optionalcard_format?: "TLCode" | "rfid48"
        • Optionalcard_function_type?: "guest" | "staff"
        • Optionalis_override_key?: boolean

          use override.

        • Optionaljoiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[]
        • Optionaloverride?: boolean

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_credential: {
            access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
            acs_credential_id: string;
            acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id?: string;
            card_number?: null | string;
            code?: null | string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            ends_at?: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
                | "pti_card"
                | "brivo_credential"
                | "hid_credential"
                | "visionline_card"
                | "salto_ks_credential";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            is_issued?: boolean;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
            issued_at?: null | string;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
            starts_at?: string;
            visionline_metadata?: {
                auto_join?: boolean;
                card_function_type: "guest" | "staff";
                card_id?: string;
                common_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                credential_id?: string;
                guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                is_valid?: boolean;
                joiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[];
            warnings: {
                message: string;
                warning_code: string;
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_credential">, "acs_credential">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the desired credential.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the desired credential.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_credential: {
            access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
            acs_credential_id: string;
            acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id?: string;
            card_number?: null | string;
            code?: null | string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            ends_at?: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
                | "pti_card"
                | "brivo_credential"
                | "hid_credential"
                | "visionline_card"
                | "salto_ks_credential";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            is_issued?: boolean;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
            issued_at?: null | string;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
            starts_at?: string;
            visionline_metadata?: {
                auto_join?: boolean;
                card_function_type: "guest" | "staff";
                card_id?: string;
                common_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                credential_id?: string;
                guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                is_valid?: boolean;
                joiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[];
            warnings: {
                message: string;
                warning_code: string;
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_credential">, "acs_credential">

  • Parameters

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_credentials: {
            access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
            acs_credential_id: string;
            acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id?: string;
            card_number?: null | string;
            code?: null | string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            ends_at?: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
                | "pti_card"
                | "brivo_credential"
                | "hid_credential"
                | "visionline_card"
                | "salto_ks_credential";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            is_issued?: boolean;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
            issued_at?: null | string;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
            starts_at?: string;
            visionline_metadata?: {
                auto_join?: boolean;
                card_function_type: "guest" | "staff";
                card_id?: string;
                common_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                credential_id?: string;
                guest_acs_entrance_ids?: string[];
                is_valid?: boolean;
                joiner_acs_credential_ids?: string[];
            warnings: {
                message: string;
                warning_code: string;
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_credentials">, "acs_credentials">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the credential for which you want to retrieve all entrances to which this credential grants access.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_entrances: {
            acs_entrance_id: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
                door_name: string;
                door_number?: number;
                    | "CommonDoor"
                    | "EntranceDoor"
                    | "GuestDoor"
                    | "Elevator";
                pms_id?: string;
                stand_open?: boolean;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            dormakaba_community_metadata?: {
                access_point_name: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
            latch_metadata?: {
                accessibility_type: string;
                door_name: string;
                door_type: string;
                is_connected: boolean;
            salto_ks_metadata?: {
                battery_level: string;
                door_name: string;
                intrusion_alarm?: boolean;
                left_open_alarm?: boolean;
                lock_type: string;
                locked_state: string;
                online?: boolean;
                privacy_mode?: boolean;
            visionline_metadata?: {
                    | "common"
                    | "guest"
                    | "entrance"
                    | "elevator reader"
                    | "common (PMS)";
                door_name: string;
                profiles?: {
                    visionline_door_profile_id: ...;
                    visionline_door_profile_type: ...;
    }>, "acs_entrances">, "acs_entrances">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the desired credential.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_credential_id: string;
          code?: string;
          ends_at?: string;
      • acs_credential_id: string

        ID of the desired credential.

      • Optionalcode?: string

        Replacement access (PIN) code for the credential.

      • Optionalends_at?: string

        Replacement date and time at which the validity of the credential ends, in ISO 8601 format. Must be a time in the future and after the starts_at value that you set when creating the credential.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • clientSessionToken: string

    Returns Promise<void>